
WJW Podcast


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You Should Know… Samantha Sisisky

Samantha Sisisky, a Washington, D.C., resident, has spent her entire career working for Jewish organizations, with a special interest in philanthropic work, which includes...

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Preserving Local Journalism: Why Governor Moore Must Veto HB1258

The members of the Maryland Delaware DC Press Association (MDDC) are deeply concerned about the potential consequences of HB1258 on local journalism. This bill,...

Extending Birthright Israel’s Participants’ Connection Beyond Trips

New York, April 1, 2024 —Birthright Israel and OpenDor Media today announced a strategic partnership, in which OpenDor Media will provide Jewish and Israel-related...

As Ukraine war enters Year 3, Odessa Jewish Children’s Home struggles with new challenges

When Rabbi Avraham Wolff leaves the Mishpacha Children’s Home in Odessa, Ukraine, most evenings, he whispers a silent prayer. He prays that the 120 children for whom...

A Jewish institution asks: What does Judaism have to say about AI?

Will the advent of artificial intelligence usher in a new age of prosperity and efficiency, or will it hasten the downfall of civilization as...